Clinical Impacts of Oral Gastrographin in Adhesive Intestinal Obstruction


1 Department of General Surgery, Zagazig University, Egypt

2 Department of General Surgery, Ain Shams University, Egypt


Background: Orally administered gastrographin has been used for early resolution of postoperative small bowel obstruction (POSBO) and to reduce the need for surgery in various studies. Aim of the work: We carried out the study to evaluate the efficacy of gastrographin in patients with partial small bowel obstruction. Patients and methods: A prospective study was done. Patients with suspected strangulations, complete obstruction, obstructed hernia, bowel malignancy and radiation enteritis were excluded. One hundred (100) patients with partial adhesive small bowel obstruction were given an initial trial of conservative management for 48 hours. Sixty patients improved within 48 hours and the other forty patients were given 100 ml of undiluted gastrographin through the nasogastric tube. In 38 patients the contrast reached the colon within 24 hs. In the remaining two patients the contrast failed to reach the colon and these underwent surgery. Results: The use of gastrographin avoided surgical intervention in 95% (38 of 40) of patients who failed conservative management of POSBO. Gastrographin also decreased the overall requirement for surgical management of POSBO to 5% (2 of 100). Conclusion: The use of gastrographin in patients with partial POSBO helps in resolution of symptoms and avoid the need for surgical management in the majority of patients
