Laparoscopic Single Anastomosis Sleeve-Jejunal Bypass (SASJ) versus Laparoscopic One-Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (OAGB) in obese patients: A Prospective non randomized controlled study

Document Type : Original Article


Department Of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt


is single anastomosis sleeve jejunal bypass (SASJ). Few studies had compared SASJ to other bariatric surgeries. We aimed to compare OAGB to SASJ in weight-loss, reduction in BMI, remission of co-morbidities and operative time.
Methodology: We conducted a prospective non-randomized controlled trial comparing OAGB or SASJ for obesity management. The decision of procedural choice was a shared decision between multidisciplinary team and the patients. Throughout 2019 (January-December) patients were operated and followed for 2 years.
Results: OAGB had a statistically highly significant BMI difference compared to SASJ at 12 months and 24 months p<0.001. However, regarding 3 months BMI difference, no statistical significance was detected between both surgeries, p=0.172. Mean operative time was significantly lesser in OAGB p<0.001 which was statistically highly significant. (79.5%) in OAGB group and (64.7%) in SASJ group had remission of co-morbidities. (20.5%) in OAGB group and (35.3%) in SASJ group had improvement of comorbidities yet, no significant difference between both in remission or improvement of co-morbidities p value=0.250. No statistically significant difference between both groups in post-operative complications.
Conclusion: OAGB and SASJ achieved satisfactory results regarding BMI loss and remission of co-morbidities.
OAGB had less operative time compared to SASJ. OAGB had higher BMI loss at 12 and 24 months but not at 3 months of follow-up. More studies with larger sample size are needed with prolonged follow up to compare SASJ to other bariatric surgeries.
